Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 70: Chow for now

March 13 2011 . . . This marks Day 70 of the 365 blog.  Chugging along, we are.  And today is the view from the basement as I prepare dinner for the dogs.

By prepare, I mean I toss a measured amount of dry kibble into bowls. Each dog eats a different food, each a different amount. Not rocket science, but a bit of attention to detail is needed.

In the meantime, there is whining and fussing going on.  But just from Jager who acts as if he may stroke out if this ordeal of dinner prep takes even one minute longer.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 69: Eye lights

March 12 2011 . . . One of the things to look for in portrait photography is eye lights; getting a glint in the eyes. Happily successful in this attempt by using a fill flash outside. Not skill in this case, but luck.  Wishing it were otherwise, but again, happy with what I can get.

And that is indeed a woof forming on his adorable mug.  Sassy little guy.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Day 68: What dog hair?

March 11 2011 . . . Old enuf to remember phone booths?  Well, that's about the size of my cubicle. By lunchtime, I've lowered my standards and completely given up on using the lint roller on my navy blue slacks.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 67: Doggie spooning

March 10 2011 . . . I'm guessing that if Micron had his druthers, he would actually have this crate to himself at nap time. 

But Yaxley needs a soft pillow for his weary noggin. So there you go.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 66: When I grow up I wanna be just like you

March 9 2011 . . . I found these two under my desk at work in this position.  I didn't pose them - honest.  Nearly a mirror image.  A remarkable thing to see; I was glad to have my cheapie little purse camera on hand to capture this.

While I see a mirror image, someone else remarked to me that it looked a bit like they were forming a heart.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Day 65: Gimme da ball!

March 8 2011 . . . A typical evening after work, today's Tuesday.  Dogs in my kitchen playing with a tennis ball.  And what's not typical is capturing an image of the kid in the background. He's home from college for a few days and is helping me with the pooches.  Maybe I'll get a shot of the top part of him before he goes back to school.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 64: The road

March 7 2011 . . .  In less than a month, I'll be driving 100+ miles round trip to get to work. On the plus side, I have a great job and I'm willing to do the drive to keep it. On the less than tolerable side, this is the typical view from the windshield.

Hoping to keep up with the books on CD from the library. It really does help to make the drive seem not so long.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Day 63: I feel a woof comin' on

March 6 2011 . . . Micron is psyching up for the Speak command.  Got that woof forming on the lips.  There's not a command for "say it, don't spray it." Kinda unfortunate, really.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day 62: It's not a photo of a dog

March 5 2011 . . . Nope, not another shot of a yellow dog. Something else I have to look at every day.


When springs finally shows up, I'll be ready for it.  sigh

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day 61: The eyes have it

March 4 2011 . . . You ever feel like you're being watched?

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 60: Gotcher back

March 3 2011 . . . Made it to Day 60. Here's another afternoon in the office with Micron looking all protective of the puppy.  What he really intends to do, however, is flip the little interloper over and grab that chew toy. 

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day 59: Runnin' with the big dogs

March 2 2011 . . . Let's run off some energy fellas.  And not just because you're both driving me nuts and it's only noon.  Thinking a good exercise session will knock these guys out for the afternoon and I can get some work done during the quiet time.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 58: Who's watching the babysitter?

March 1 2011 . . . I love this shot. Micron looks so, oh I don't know, regal. Like he's been tasked as a babysitter and he's taking it serious. I also used this shot on the dog blog on the post about Yaxley growing while napping at Wake up little guy.