Jan 24 2011 . . . I always say, it's good to have goals in life. Although when I say that, it's usually sarcasm in response to something stupid that I've done. Like making it to a level 23 druid in Diablo or something like that.
But not this goal. Literacy is a big deal for me. To be well read, I believe, is the basic groundwork for a successful and happy life. It can also put big words into your vocabulary so you can talk real good to people. So I can say words like pretentious and superfluous, you know. My big goal each year is to read a minimum of thirty books. Any size, any genre, but I want it to total a score plus ten.
Why choose thirty? Because not only is it a stretch, it also can be done. I somehow seem to manage it year after year.
Here's book number one for 2011. My favorite author, Michael Chabon. This one was pretty darn good and I may read through it a second time. But if I do, does it count as one or two books? A personal moral dilemma to struggle with.
A note about the photo; I did photoshop to create a glow with the while lettering cuz I think it looks cool.
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