Friday, February 11, 2011

Day 40: Brudders

February 11 2011 . . . Marco and Micron after the CCI graduation ceremony. Two handsome fellas.

These two are littermates; you can tell that they're brothers, right?  Look at the ears and how the fur is curling exactly the same. Same soulful, intelligent brown eyes. And same lust for that dog biscuit waving around just out of the camera's range. 

These guys are from a golden/lab cross mom and a full golden dad.  Another really cool thing with this litter - check out the brindling on Marco's legs.  All the black pups had some level of brindle, very unusual to see in a CCI pup.

Marco has now matriculated and will begin his advanced training at CCI. (Micron has another three months until matriculation.)  Wishing Marco the best of luck in doggie college.

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