Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day 41: Kids & Baby Sale - dogs not included

Feb 12 2011 . . . The grammar nazi in me is wondering why Kids is plural and Baby is not. Sure, Kids isn't a possessive, so no need for an apostrophe, so we're good there. And why, but why, no dogs for sale when there's one on display. 

Filling a need to get out of the house on a gray winter's day, we put the cape on Micron and head to the mall. We stop at Old Navy for a photo op with the supermodelquins. I didn't make that word up, by the way. These ersatz people with the toothy grins actually have names, including the dog, Barker.  To the left of Barker is Rita and Christopher, with Kimmy gazing into space behind them like she sees a double rainbow or something. It's true; I looked this stuff up on the Internet.

After the photo shoot (grand total of three photos), I turn around to see a crowd behind me. There are people with their kids lining up to pet Micron. Wow. He granted an audience with his usual graciousness, while I'm encouraging to keep a Sit and stop asking for belly rubs.

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