Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 42: Just wanted a little EVOO

Feb 13, 2011 . . . I make myself happy pretending that I'm a good cook, just a step away from having my own TV show. It's just the dog hair spice that's holding me back.

This is nonsense, of course. I use a spaghetti sauce from a jar just like most everybody else. But I still insist that cooking with butter is essential, as well as is a good quality olive oil. And sea salt is used after the food is cooked. Just can't give up some things in spite of the it's-not-a-diet-it's-a-lifestyle plan.

So, I had a coupon for olive oil. Thought I had my head wrapped around the differences of virgin, extra virgin (snicker) and light, but now I see there's apparently a regional difference as well. Who knew? Well, I didn't really think about it until faced with the choices of Australian, Spanish, Greek and more. What do I want?  Dang, I don't know - Italian? That seems safe. So a bottle of IEVOO gets tossed into the cart next to the Extra Chunky Mushroom Ragu.  That'll do.


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